Saturday, December 31, 2011

PTSD I need help tonight, serious answers only?

Have you been taking your meds as prescribed? Just a question, or maybe the combination isnt working. Therapy is nice and good while ur there but if you cant apply the resolutions you get there while you're away from the therapist its really nearly no good. I think the fact that you realize somethin gdeeper in the situation-feeling that you'll never get over it, is actually a glimmer of hope, as backwards as it sounds. It means you can actually rationalize that you have been seeing an md and getting prescriptions but to no avail-you still feel the pain of the issue at hand. Have you been stuck on the same therapist? If so a chance may do u good, a fresh mind in on the matter, a new outlook. Someone who can have a new viewpoint and u can look to not as the same old guy as before. Sometimes with PTSD the more you discuss it-as bad as it may be- the less meaning it will have. No not that it wont hurt I definitely dont mean that but once you've reviewed it 10million times it may be 0.0001 less stressful as the time before. And in this case anything is better than nothing. These are my only suggestions, I really do wish I could give you a magic dose of something thatll make it better or go away. I can only imagine the hurt, you feel it everyday and to know you went to bodily harm to your head, it has got to be with you 24/7. Please seek new help if you think this may be beneficial at all to you. Suicide wont make it go away totally because those who love you will have something that can never be undone, you are here and b/c of that there is still hope. Best of luck to you

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