Sunday, January 1, 2012

Can a car accident cause appendicitis?

3 days ago, i got into a car accident with my parents and brother. It was pretty minor; no serious injuries, just a few scratches and bruises. We were taken to the hospital shortly after the accident and we all got checked and had a few tests and x-rays done to make sure there were no injuries. We were all fine and the hospital released us. Everything was fine until this morning when i woke up with a bad cramping pain in the middle of my abdomen, around my belly on i guess you could say. I had a big test at school today so i couldnt miss it. I took some advil and went to school. By the middle of the school day, i noticed that the pain had moved over to the lower right side and it wasnt crampiing any more, it was now a sharp pain. I felt like i was gonna throw up a few times but i didnt. I also didnt have an appetite and i felt like a fever was starting. I told my friend to feel my forehead and she said i was kinda warm. When i got home, i took a nap for about an hour and thought that i might be able to sleep it off but when i woke up the pain was even worse. I told my mom about the pain and she said i might have appendicitis and that she will take me to the doc tomorow morning if the symptoms persist. I looked up the symptoms of appendicitis and they sound similar to mine and i did the press release test thing and when i released, the pain was excruciating. Does this sound like appendicits? And did the car accident cause this or was it just a coincidence?

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