Saturday, January 7, 2012

I have some loose skin under my neck (either a slight double chin or neck fat)does it have to do with my....?

I have some loose skin under my neck (either a slight double chin or neck fat)does it have to do with my ancestry/heritage/ethnicity. My mother is Spanish/Hispanic. I noticed mine isn't shaped like it would be on most Hispanics, why is that? Does the shape of the neck fat/slight double chin/ loose skin have anything to do with my ancestry? my father is mainly Scottish. Does the shape of my neck have anything to do with my ancestry/heritage/ethnicity or am i just paranoid? Also my mothers family is from Spain, are Spaniards white? So would I be all white then. Well I'm also 1/4 Native American, I'm confused I need help here. Is the shape of my neck fat or whatever due to my bone structure.

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